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Do Commercial Ice Makers Use a Lot of Water?

Dec 15,2023 | MONDAWE

Ice Made Right!

Various individuals and businesses require commercial ice makers to meet their specific needs. For example, in a bustling restaurant, the kitchen staff works diligently to meet the demands of a busy dinner service. As the evening progresses, the waitstaff takes orders from hungry patrons who eagerly anticipate their refreshing beverages.

In the heart of the kitchen, a commercial ice maker hums with efficiency, producing a steady stream of crystal-clear ice cubes. With each press of a button, the machine springs to life, churning out perfectly formed ice cubes that clink into a large storage bin below.

Mondawe Commercial Use Ice Maker

Let's explore the water usage of commercial ice makers and discuss its implications for businesses. Understanding the factors that affect water consumption in these machines is crucial for both financial and environmental reasons. 

What Factors Will Affect the Water Consumption of Ice Makers ?

Ice Maker Size and Capacity

Commercial ice makers are typically classified based on their production capacity, measured in pounds of ice produced per day. For example, an ice maker with a production capacity of 500 pounds per day will use more water than one with a production capacity of 250 pounds per day, as it needs to generate twice the amount of ice.

In addition to production capacity, the size of the ice maker also affects water usage. Larger machines require more water to fill their storage bins and generate enough ice to meet demand. However, smaller machines may need to run more frequently and for longer periods of time to keep up with demand, which can also increase water usage.

ice maker size

Type of ice produced

Different ice machines are capable of producing various ice shapes, such as cubes, flakes, nuggets, or crescents. The shape of the ice influences the amount of water required for production. For instance, cube ice typically requires more water compared to other shapes because it needs to fill individual cube molds.

The size of the ice cubes or pieces also impacts water consumption. Larger ice cubes require more water to freeze completely and form their size, leading to increased water usage. Conversely, smaller ice cubes or flakes may require less water.

different ice shapes

Frequency of Use

In some commercial settings, ice makers operate continuously to meet high demand. These machines are designed to maintain a constant supply of ice throughout the day. Continuous operation typically results in higher water usage as the ice maker continuously draws water from the water supply to produce ice.

Water Temperature 

The temperature of the water used in an ice maker can affect water usage by influencing the freezing time of the ice. Warmer water takes longer to freeze, resulting in increased ice production times and higher water usage. On the other hand, colder water can lead to faster ice production and lower water consumption. Most commercial ice makers operate optimally with water temperatures between 40°F to 90°F.

How Much Water Do Commercial Ice Makers Use?

Water consumption rates for ice makers can vary depending on the size, type, and production capacity of the machine. Now, we will take a look of different types of ice makers and their water consumption.

  • Countertop Ice Makers: Countertop ice makers are small, portable machines designed for home or office use. These machines typically use less water than larger commercial models and are designed to be more efficient. On average, countertop ice makers can use around 2.5 to 3 gallons of water to produce 24 pounds of ice.

countertop ice maker

  • Undercounter Ice Makers: Undercounter ice makers are built-in machines designed to fit under countertops. These machines are commonly used in small businesses or residential settings where space is limited. On average, undercounter ice makers can use around 10 to 15 gallons of water per 100 pounds of ice produced.

Ice Maker

Mondawe Freestanding Ice Maker

  • Dispenser Ice Makers: Dispenser ice makers combine the functions of ice production and storage with a built-in dispenser mechanism. Water consumption rates for dispenser ice makers can vary depending on the size and production capacity of the unit.

dispenser ice maker

Ways to Reduce Water Usage in Commercial Ice Makers

Since people need ice maker to provide ice, then we need to consider what to do to reduce water usage. Certain amount of water do need to make things done, but here are some ways to make it more environmental friendly.

Regular Maintenance and Cleaning

Regular maintenance practices, such as cleaning the machine's condenser coils and replacing water filters, can help optimize the performance of ice makers and minimize water waste. Proper maintenance can also extend the lifespan of the machine and prevent costly repairs.

ice maker maintenance

Choosing Energy-Efficient Models

Look for ice makers with advanced technologies, such as low flow valves or air-cooled condensers, that promote water efficiency. Energy-efficient models not only save water but also reduce energy consumption, resulting in lower utility bills.

energy-efficient ice maker

Implementing Water-Saving Practices

Provide practical tips and strategies for businesses to conserve water during ice production. For example, encourage staff to fill ice buckets to the brim rather than making multiple trips or adjust the ice maker's settings to produce smaller ice cubes. Additionally, consider using greywater or recycled water for non-potable applications, such as cleaning or irrigation.

Monitoring Water Usage

Regularly monitor and track water usage in ice maker operations to identify trends, detect leaks, or inefficiencies. Establishing a baseline for water consumption can help businesses identify opportunities for optimization and set goals for reducing water usage.

Get More Ice !

cool ice

While ice machines provide convenience in our daily lives, we must also be aware of the importance of conserving water resources. By selecting efficient and water-saving ice machines, as well as taking simple measures such as regularly checking for leaks and using ice machines responsibly, we can reduce unnecessary waste.

In conclusion, I hope this blog has provided you with some insights on the water usage of ice machines and inspired your awareness of resource conservation and environmental protection. Let us work together to utilize our resources sustainably and create a better world for the future.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to share them in the comments. Thank you for reading!

